Baby Names, Donkeys, New Born

Help Us Choose the Name of Our New Baby Girl Donkey!

The winning name was Marjoram!

Tindall Heritage Farm’s littlest donkey has only been here a week but she’s already growing by leaps and bounds! We need your help in choosing a name for her.

Please select your favorite choice below – the name with the most votes will be the little girl’s new name!

Make sure to cast your vote before midday on Saturday, August 5, 2017. The winning name will be announced on Saturday afternoon! Leave a comment with your name below if you’d like to be entered into the drawing for a Tindall Heritage Farm t-shirt, featuring our very own Cream of Tartar! The winner will be notified by reply to your post below.

What should we name our new baby girl?
Cardamom 3 ( 18.75 % )
Clove 6 ( 37.5 % )
Mint 2 ( 12.5 % )
Marjoram 5 ( 31.25 % )


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